LiFEsports is pleased to announce that its “Coach Beyond: Supporting Student-Athlete Mental Health” online training is part of a provision announced by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine to provide mental health training resources for Ohio coaches. In alignment with House Bill 33 passed in July and approved by the Ohio Department of Education, this new training will provide nearly 75,000 coaches with the tools they need to help student-athletes struggling with mental health, and all coaches will be required to complete it before applying for or renewing pupil activity program permits. The Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services Department (OMHAS) approves all mental health trainings under ODE’s Permits.
Recognized as the gold standard, this online training is designed to increase awareness of student-athletes’ wellness needs and common signs and symptoms of mental health concerns. Participants attending this training also learn practical strategies to integrate into their daily practices and resources to link to and refer student-athletes to mental health supports in their schools and communities. It is a self-paced, virtual training that takes 60-90 minutes to complete. Coach Beyond also offers this training in person and has developed coach trainings on nine other topics (e.g., fostering a positive team environment, developing leaders, improving mental strategies for athletic performance, etc.).
Founded in 2009, LiFEsports, a sport-based positive youth development initiative, prepares youth for life and leadership through sport. LiFEsports is a partnership led by The Ohio State University College of Social Work and the Department of Athletics. Coach Beyond is a training program developed by LiFEsports in partnership with the Ohio High School Athletic Association and funded by the Susan Crown Exchange as a part of its “Million Coach Challenge.”
Read the announcement:
Mental Health Training for ODE’s Coaching Permits | Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (
Dr. Sam Bates presents a Coach Beyond training to local coaches.