Get Trained by Coach Beyond...

Our Trainings

Coach Beyond… is a coach education series that includes training in 10 key areas. Specifically these training were developed to support youth coaches in moving beyond the X’s and O’s and teaching life and leadership skills through sports. The interactive graphic provides a description, duration, learning objectives, formats, and scheduling information for each of the trainings. These trainings are CEU-eligible for one clock hour.

Please click on the image to see learning objectives and modes of delivery.

How it Works

Given coaches and organizations are all structured to meet unique community needs, Coach Beyond… trainings can be delivered in a variety of formats and settings. Below are ways to currently bring Coach Beyond… to your school and/or organization.

Schedule an In-Person Training

Schedule an In-Person Training

Schedule a one-hour long training session with a Coach Beyond… trainer for free at your school or district hosted during coaches’ meetings, professional development days, or evenings.

Click here to schedule your in-person training today!

Host a Community Event

Host a Community Event

Partner with Coach Beyond… to invite local school and community coaches in your region to a special event on one of our Coach Beyond… topics.

Click here to schedule a Coach Beyond... Community Event today!

Attend a Webinar

Attend a Webinar

Each month, the Coach Beyond… team invites celebrity guests to speak in a free, one-hour webinar based on a Coach Beyond… training module. These webinars are CEU-eligible for one clock hour of training. Learn more about Coach Beyond... Webinars.

Sign up to Stay in Touch!

When you sign up for the Coach Beyond mailing list, you will receive our monthly newsletter with upcoming events, practical coaching tips, and stories of coaches Coaching Beyond!

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