Explore Our Coaching Resources

Perfecting Practice: Quality, Balanced Coaching

Qualities of a Champion

While there are many differences between personalities, sport expectations, and experiences, all championship athletes share certain qualities. Championship athletes are all physically fit, mentally healthy, and socially nimble. Coaches can foster these qualities in their athletes to help create champions on and off the field.

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Tryouts: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Join Rebecca Wade-Mdivanian, former soccer coach and Director of Operations at the LiFEsports Iniative, and Vincent Minjares, former basketball coach and Project Manager at the Aspen Insitute, as they discuss tryouts. Topics include how to run effective tryouts, set selection criteria, and talk to athletes who have and have not been selected for the team.

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Banquets: Hosting a Successful End-of-Season Event

Join Dr. Dawn-Anderson Butcher (Director of LiFEsports), Joe Roberts (Princeton Athletic Director), Landon Zellars (Cheerleading Coach), and Nate Maust (Soccer Coach) as they share some tips and tricks for hosting a successful end-of-season banquet.

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Practice & Preparation

Practice and preparation help athletes perform sport skills under pressure and build confidence. By learning and developing skills well before competition, athletes are more likely to succeed when it counts. Coaches can direct athletes’ attention, organize practice to emulate game-time situations, and provide feedback in specific ways to get players on their team ready to compete.

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Supporting Student Athlete Mental Health

Supporting Student-Athlete Mental Health Course Refresher

Thank you for taking our Supporting Student-Athlete Mental Health virtual or in-person training.  In order to receive a completion certificate, you must pass the end-of-course quiz with an 80%.  This page is dedicated to highlighting key resources and facts throughout the training.

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Signs & Symptoms of Student-Athlete Mental Health Concerns

Mental health concerns can be genetic or due to a child’s life experiences. Stress and trauma can reshape pathways in the brain that influence children and adolescents’ behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and physical demeanor. This resource overviews common signs and symptoms of some of the most prevalent mental health concerns affecting children and adolescents in the United States.

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Mental Health Check-Ins

Daily check-ins with athletes can help coaches quickly identify when an athlete may need more support. Check out this quick resource for coaches on how to check-in daily with student-athletes!

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Mental Health Conversation Cards

This set of 14 mental health conversation cards help examine the 4 B’s associated with mental health concerns, disorders, and stigma: biology, backstory, behavior, and biography. Cards are designed to accompany the Coach Beyond “Supporting Student Athlete Mental Health” training, but also can be used as a stand-alone tool for athletic directors, coaches, and student athletes.

Cost: $10.00

To purchase, please visit: Coach Beyond Store

Make the Call Wallet Card

When a student-athlete is experiencing mental health issue, it is important for the coach to be able to link the athlete with available resources in the school and/or community. This wallet card allows a coach to have quickly on hand a school resource, a community resource, and an emergency resource to help a student athlete in need. These can be ordered in sets of 50 or 100.

Cost for Set of 50: $37.50
Cost for Set of 100: $75.00 

To purchase, please visit: Coach Beyond Store

Managing Stress and Pressure as Coaches

Managing Stress and Pressure Handout

No factor is more critical to coach well-being than managing one’s stress and pressure. Coach well-being matters as only those who help themselves can truly help others.

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Knockout Burnout Card Deck

This deck of Knockout Burnout cards help discuss physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual strategies for stress management. Knockout Burnout is a fast-paced game where each player shares the strategies on their cards as they are eliminated. Cards are designed to accompany the Coach Beyond “Managing Stress and Pressure” training, but also can be used as a stand-alone tool for athletic directors, coaches, and student-athletes.

Cost: $17.50

To purchase, please visit: Coach Beyond Store

Fostering a Positive Team Environment

The Game of TRI-ing

The Game of TRI-ing is a board game that allows coaches to explore the idea of successes and challenges that occur during a season that help or hinder positive team culture.

Cost: $60.00

To purchase, please visit: Coach Beyond Store

Developing Leaders

Student-Athlete Leadership Inventory

As coaches, we want every athlete to develop as a leader on and off the field, court, mat, etc. Our Coach Beyond… Leadership Inventory is a great tool that helps athletes self-reflect on their leadership strengths and opportunities for growth.  Our Leadership Inventory is built for coaches to give to their athletes to determine if they are a Game Day Leader, Locker Room Leader, Social Leader, Engagement Leader, or Brave Leader. Use this tool to set leadership goals with your athletes!

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Improving Mental Strategies for Athletic Performance

Productive Self-Talk

Being aware of and shaping self-talk helps athletes positively influence their performance.When athletes become aware of what they say to themselves out loud and/or in their head,they can recognize their self-talk early so they can change or reframe the messages.

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Relaxation Techniques for Athletes

Relaxation techniques help athletes manage nerves, reduce muscle tension, and/or improve focus before, during, and after practice/competition. Strategies such as meditation and breathing help athletes relax their bodies and minds, so they can perform their best when it counts. 

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Goal Setting with Athletes

Setting goals allows athletes to focus their attention on mastering sport skills, techniques, and tactics. Short-term goals help athletes define ‘success’ and focus on the small steps that lead to long-term performance outcomes. Achieving goals helps athletes reinforce personal growth and achievements rather than focusing only on wins and losses.

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Imagery, also called mental rehearsal or visualization, allows athletes to prepare for competitions by creating or recreating experiences in their minds. This technique is useful because the mind responds to mental rehearsal in the same way it does to physical practice. When athletes vividly imagine competition scenarios, they mentally practice skills and responses to various competition-like scenarios. The deliberate practice of visualization replicates “real” practice and improves overall “real” performance.

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